"The Way" is how Jesus referred to himself, saying: “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (John 14:6).
It is also the phrase used in the Bible to describe the developing church as a movement of Jesus Christ. Even today, all believers in Christ are part of His movement and he is our head pastor and leader. Therefore as we join His movement we are to be the physical expression of what God is like so that the fullness of Jesus Christ can be seen and heard through us.
Throughout the book of Acts people who were followers of Jesus weren't called Christians but they were called followers of The Way or people of The Way. They were not simply committed to a cultural practice or obligation, but they lived in complete devotion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are committing our ministry to the understanding that we want to be followers of The Way.
What would it look like if the people who call themselves followers of Jesus began to live out their identity of BEING the Church instead of merely ATTENDING a church?
When we look at the creation of the church in the New Testament we see that people were called by God to Live the Way; so that they may Learn the Way from fellowship with Him; and then they were sent by Him to Lead the Way for others to hear about Him and fulfill the Great Commission.
Those he called were called to be The Way. Today as a church, we believe we are to live our lives as "called" and "sent" ones who express (through actions and words) the good news of Jesus Christ among the people of Orange County. Our hope is that God would use us to bring restoration of all things to God the Father. We believe that as followers of Christ we miss out on the fullness of the Gospel when being a Christian is reduced simply to church attendance. We want our church to be part of a movement where being a follower of Jesus Christ is a new identity and way of life.
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